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Minggu, 25 Maret 2018


Maret 25, 2018 0 Comments

To speak and communicate, people need language as a tool and to speak using language someone need to have vocabulary. Meanwhile, if someone want to speak fluently, they need to master much vocabulary to assist them speaking in any situation. In an extracurricular activity of Indonusa Polytechnic called IEC standing for Indonusa English Club, the members learn on speaking skill more focus than other skills. Apparently the members of IEC often stop and get stuck in their speaking class, need a period or seconds to continue speaking or even cannot continue their speaking. Based on the above problems, the researcher conducted action research by using Flashcards.
The research method used in this study is classroom action research. The subject of te study are the 20 students of Indonusa English Club in the second semester of academic year 2016-2017. There were two cycles which in every cycle consist of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data of the study were collected by using qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques.
The result of the studyreveals that the use of Flashcards can enhance the students’ speaking skill through vocabulary mastery, the students speak more fluent because they easily learned the vocabulary and they are not lack of vocabulary. It can be seen from the result of mean score of the pre-test in the first cycle which improve from 62 to 68.5 in the post test and 63.6 in the pre-test to 70.8 in the post test of cycle two.

Syaifudin, M. (2017). The Use of Flashcards to Enhance Student’s Speaking Skill Trough Vocabulary Mastery. Jurnal SAINSTECH Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta, 1(7), 33-38.

Rabu, 21 Maret 2018


Maret 21, 2018 0 Comments

Vocabulary is one of the important elements in teaching English. However, it is difficult to master the other competences without understanding the vocabulary, because vocabulary is the basic competence that must be reached by students in order to get other competencies like reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Based on the research, it can be concluded that the main reason causing the problem is the teacher not creative to use media in teaching vocabulary mastery. Then, the researcher finds an appropriate media to solve the problems. The researcher chooses flashcards as a media to improve the students’ vocabulary.
The method used in this study is classroom action research. The subject of this research are the fourth grade students of SD Negeri II Watuagung in the academic year of 2011/2012. In this research, both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were applied. The qualitative methodology was used to describe how the process of teaching and learning vocabulary ran and the quantitative methodology was used to identify whether or not the students‟ vocabulary mastery were better or higher than before implementing the flashcards.
The result of the research could be concluded that teaching English vocabulary by using flashcards as media does improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Moreover, the tests score results also shows an improvement of the students’ achievement. The students’ mean score in the pre-test is 45.70, in post-test 1 is 70.52, and in post-test 2 is 80.13.

Nugroho, Y. S. (2012). Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Using Flashcards (A Classroom Action Research at the Fourth Grade of SD Negeri II Watuagung, Baturetno, Wonogiri in the Academic Year 2011/2012) (Thesis). UNS (Sebelas Maret University). Retrieved from


Maret 21, 2018 0 Comments

Based on interview of the English teacher, the student with disability’ difficulties come on English from the weakness of student with disability’ vocabulary, also the student with disability had difficulty in differentiating the form of word, such as part of speech: adjective and adverb. Moreover, the students with disability tend to be bored and having low participation in English class. Therefore, teacher needs to use the media in order to make the situation to be active. The teacher has to improve students with disability’ vocabulary in active learning by a suitable media such as flashcards.
The design of this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR) since this research focused on providing solution towards teaching and learning process. The subject of this research are the students with disability at the second grade of SMP Diponegoro, Junrejo, Batu in the academic year 2017/2018.
The result of the study showed that before the implementation of flashcards, all students with disability’ score were under 75, with the lowest score was 50 and the highest score was 70. From six students with disability, no one passed Standard Minimum Criteria (KKM). Therefore, in the cycle 1, all students with disability passed Standard Minimum Criteria (KKM). The lowest score was 80 and the highest score was 100. Therefore, the use of flashcards in improving students with disability vocabulary gave a lot of benefits and positive effects for teacher and made the students with disability more interested in learning English and also the role of volunteer could help the teacher to control and manage class condition.

Habibi, N. (2017). The Use of Flashcards in Improving Vocabulary Mastery of Students with Disability. Journal of Disability Studies, 4(2), 197-216.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2018

Tugas Pengganti CAR

Maret 17, 2018 0 Comments

Journal 1
The Effectiveness of Digital Storytelling in the
Classrooms: A Comprehensive Study

Storytelling, in general, is a powerful pedagogical approach that can be used to enhance learning outcomes for general, scientific and technical education (Sharda 2007). A digital story can be viewed as a merger between traditional storytelling and the use of multimedia technology (Normann 2011). Technological advances, such as digital cameras, editing software and authoring tools, have increased the use of technology in the classroom to help students in constructing their own knowledge and ideas to present and share them more effectively (Standley 2003). Normann defines digital storytelling as “a short story, only 2–3 minutes long, where the storyteller uses his own voice to tell his own story.
This research involves a multi-site case study of an Australian P-12 school, and explores the use of digital storytelling within the primary and secondary curriculum. In order to enhance the reliability and validity of the research, both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis were used. A rubric was used to collect quantitative data, while interviews and observation were used to collect qualitative data.
The results of this research indicate that digital storytelling can provide support to students with special needs, such as ESL and VCAL students. In addition, digital storytelling can help students to improve their confidence, and can contribute to better social and psychological skills.

Smeda, N., Dakich, E., & Sharda, N. (2014). The Effectiveness of Digital Storytelling in the Classrooms: A Comprehensive Study. Smeda et al. Smart Learning Environments, 1(6), 1-21.

Journal 2
Taking Social Media to a University Classroom: Teaching and Learning Using Twitter and Blogs

According to Jones (2015:93), social media technologies such as blogs and Twitter are no longer only used for leisure. Menkhoff et al. (2014) find that among other benefits, Twitter enables students to have “a voice, to be more engaged and to interact more freely with both their peers and the instructor via knowledge sharing and twitter discussions”. Blogs are described by Wheeler (2010:106) as web tools that promote reflective learning while as wikis are meant for collaborative learning.
This study was inspired by various earlier studies (Barczyk & Duncan,2011:271; Jones, 2015:101; Menkhoff et al., 2014). The study incorporated Twitter and blogs into two undergraduate courses offered in the Department of Library and Information Science at Mzuzu University which is a public university in Malawi. Data were collected in two ways: first, analysis of blog and Twitter posts by students and second, a questionnaire was sent to 64 students to find out their perception towards the use of blogs and Twitter in a classroom environment.
The findings of this study are: (a) using Twitter the students were able to ask me any question anytime as long as they were connected to the Internet (b) using blogs, students could post their assignments anytime without being worried that they could find the lecturer’s office closed or, there was nothing like racing against the official working hours.


Chawinga, W. D. (2017). Taking Social Media to a University Classroom: Teaching and Learning Using Twitter and Blogs. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 14(3), 1-19.

Journal 3
Supporting the Argumentative Writing of Students in Linguistically Diverse
Classrooms: An Action Research Study

Many English language arts (ELA) teachers may worry bout effectively delivering writing instruction to their ELLs while still meeting the needs of their proficient English-speaking students. Proficient writing is vital for success in school and in life beyond school. Teachers in today’s classrooms are expected to effectively deliver instruction to linguistically diverse students who may be proficient in English or are still learning English as a second language. Regardless of language proficiency, all students are expected to demonstrate competent writing across various genres and are held accountable to the same standards as proficient English-speaking students (Trumbull & Pacheco, 2005).
The study examined the effects of strategy-focused writing instruction on the argumentative essay-writing skills of 47 linguistically diverse seventh-grade students. The students received the strategy-focused writing instruction five days per week for 40 minutes over a 16-week period. The study used a one-group, pretest-posttest design with a within-subjects t-test (paired samples) to analyze the data and to answer research questions one and two
Analyses of the data revealed that students’ overall writing performance increased significantly from pretest to posttest. Students also made significant gains across the pre- and posttest period in the following two domains: (1) Evidence and Elaboration and (2) Conventions of Standard English, but not on the Purpose, Focus, and Organization domain.

Campbell, Y. C., & Filimon, C. (2018). Supporting the Argumentative Writing of Students in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms: An Action Research Study. RMLE Online, 41(1), 1-10.

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2018


Maret 10, 2018 0 Comments

To develop students‟ language skill in reading, listening, speaking, and writing, the learners must master the vocabulary. The teacher gives the students list of words that the students should memorize it. In this case the students think that English is very difficult, not enjoyable and make them bored.
A flash card is part of a set of cards which are written items to be studied. They are “flashed” (shown quickly) one by one to a learner to elicit a quick response. It is expected that students‟ achievement in vocabulary will be improved if the students are taught by using flashcard as the media.
This research was conducted by applying Classroom Action Research. The researcher used written tests, diary notes and observation sheets as the instruments of data collection. The subject of the study was VII-4 student of SMA Prayatna Medan, which consisted of 30 students.
The result of research indicated that there was an improvement of students‟ scores in vocabulary which was taught by using flashcard. It was proved by the data, which showed that the mean of the students in Test III (83) was higher than in Test II (64) and also in Test I (40.33).
The diary notes indicated that the situation of teaching and learning process was better from the first to the last meeting. The students were interested, enthusiastic, and active when teaching learning process was running. They paid full attention and did the assignments seriously.

Marpaung, A. Improving Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary by Using Flashcard.

Kamis, 01 Maret 2018


Maret 01, 2018 0 Comments

Vocabulary is the basic thing that must be owned by the students in language learning. Someone can not express the idea into sentences if he or she lacks of vocabulary. When learning English language the students still have the lack of vocabulary mastery. Some of them try to memorize some words to learn new vocabulary. Sometimes they feel so bored with that kind of the technique to learn new vocabulary. Therefore, the teacher should find a good solution for this problem. In this case, the writer is use flashcards to create an interesting English class environment and to motivate the students in SDN Lawangan Daya 2 Pamekasan in learning English actively and enjoyably.
Campbell (2004:108) says “classroom environment can be more interesting if visual presented in the classroom”. She added that if a teacher can also present funny flash cards in his/her subject, the teaching will be more joyfull.
The writer applied Classroom Action Research in this study. The subjects of this study are 35 students at fourth graders of SDN Lawangan Daya 2 Pamekasan.
The result of the vocabulary test indicated the level of vocabulary achieved by the students. The number of the students are 35 students and the result of the test showed that there are 17 students got very good, 13 student got good and 5 students fail or under criteria of success. In other words, there were 48% students got very good, 37% students got good and 14% students got under criteria of success. The result showed that there was an improvement of the students‟ vocabulary mastery when the researcher use flashcard. The result of this study also proved that the students are looked more enthusiastic, they laughed and more focus on what they learned. Moreover, the students are more active and the atmosphere of the class was conducive.

Reference: Setiyawan, A. (2015). Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Flashcard at Forth Grade Students in SDN Lawangan Daya 2 Pamekasan. Jurnal Pemikiran Penelitian Pendidikan dan Sains, 3(6), 83-91.


Maret 01, 2018 0 Comments

Vocabulary is an important element in language. Mastering a large amount of vocabulary is very important for the students when they are studying English because it will make them understand and mastering English easily. Mc Whorter (1980: 311) says that vocabulary means the ability to recognize individual words and to associate the other word; vocabulary is the competence or skill in recognizing words and its meaning. According to Graves (1998: 323), there are two approaches in teaching vocabulary. They are indirect approaches and direct approaches.
There are many problem that faced by the students of the Junior High School in Kediri, Indonesia. Such as: the lack of the motivation, difficulty in understanding English, the method or technique and media which is not suitable. In this case, the teacher should be used an interesting technique and media which is suitable for them. One of the method and media in teaching English vocabulary is using Flashcards.
To solve this problem then the writer is conducted Classroom Action Research in this study. The subject of this study is the seventh grade students of one Junior High School in Kediri, Indonesia in academic year 2013/2014. The subjects are 38 students. This study used both qualitative and quantitative data.

From this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of Flashcards can improve not only the students’ vocabulary mastery but also the students; activeness in the class. This study prove some evidences that in the Cycle 2, the students’ activeness improved up to 80% while in the Cycle 1 is only 57%. Beside that, the students’ vocabulary mastery improved up to  84% while in previous Cycle 1 is only 17%.

Reference: Wahyuni, S., & Yulaida H. (2014). Flashcards as Means to Improve EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Mastery. JEELS, 1(1), 47-61.

Senin, 19 Februari 2018

About Me

Februari 19, 2018 0 Comments

About Me

Namaku Fatimah Nur Hadi. Aku lahir tanggal 17 April 1997. Sekarang ini aku sedang belajar di perguruan tinggi di Universitas Sebelas Maret. Aku mengambil Jurusan Pendiikan Bahasa Inggris. Aku sangat menyukai dunia tulis menulis. Aku berharap karyaku dapat bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
Jika ingin mengenal ku lebih dalam, kalian bisa menghubungi lewat e-mail ku atau kalian pun juga dapat memfollow ku di twitter dan Instagram @fatimahnurhadi atau kalian juga bisa menghubungi lewat facebookku Fatimah Nur Hadi. Aku tinggal di Wanteyan 06/03, Bakungan, Karangdowo, Klaten. 


Februari 19, 2018 1 Comments

Pengabdian di Desa Kelahiranku
Oleh : Fatimah Nur Hadi
Perkenalkan, namaku adalah Fatimah Nur Hadi. Saat ini aku sedang menjalani masa kuliahku di Universitas Sebelas Maret. Aku sedang menempuh semester lima ku di Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) dengan bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.
            Aku selalu menjalani masa kuliahku dengan optimistis dan tantangan yang sangat besar. Aku memiliki harapan yang besar untuk bangsa Indonesia. Dan aku sangat berharap aku bisa bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
            Sejak menjadi mahasiswa baru di Universitas Sebelas Maret, aku mulai mengikuti banyak kegiatan di Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) dalam lingkup fakultas maupun dalam lingkup Universitas. Aku adalah seorang mahasiswi yang sangat suka menyukai banyak kegiatan. Bahkan aku adalah orang yang sangat suka dengan kesibukan dan pekerjaan yang banyak. Mungkin kamu berpikir aku adalah orang aneh, yah..begitulah. Namun, aku adalah orang yang tidak bisa duduk diam ataupun tenang di kosan ataupun di rumah. Bagiku mejadi seorang mahasiswi adalah suatu kebebesan yang jarang sekali kita dapatkan untuk kedua kalinya. Karena ketika kita sudah bekerja maka waktu yang kita punya akan sangat sedikit sekali. Oleh karena itu, aku sangat menghargai waktu-waktuku selama menjadi mahasiswi.
            Aku mengikuti UKM yang membahas tentang dunia kepenulisan seperti; LKTI, Essay, Puisi, Cerpen, dll. Yahh…aku selalu aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi tersebut. Dan aku selalu inspirasi yang banyak dari orang-orang yang pernah aku temui. Bagiku orang lain selalu memiliki pengalamannya yang sangat berharga. Entah itu bagi diri mereka sendiri ataupun untuk orang lain.
            Aku sadar bahwa aku adalah seorang calon guru, dan aku harus mampu memberikan impact yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat juga. Dan saat itu aku mulai merencanakan bagaimana seharusnya, agar aku bisa bermanfaat bagi banyak orang lain. Aku mulai memikirkan berbagai macam kemungkinan yang ada. Mulai dari membuat les gratis, perpustakaan desa, mengembangkan UMKM desa, dll.
            Hingga pada suatu hari aku menemukan jawaban yang tepat bagi diriku. Dan akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk mengadakan program Les Gratis dan Perpustakaan desa. Yahh,, tentu saja aku membutuhkan beberapa personil untuk melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut. Lalu aku terfikir untuk mengajak kakak-kakakku di desa untuk mengadakan program tersebut. Dan kakakku ternyata juga menyutujui tersebut. Aku bersama dengan 3 saudaraku mulai membangun sebuah perpustakaan di desaku dan mengadakan Les Gratis untuk anak-anak yang tidak mampu di desaku.
            Alasanku melaksanakan program tersebut di desaku adalah karena di desa juga masih banyak anak-anak yang putus sekolah, masyarakat yang butuh huruf, dan anak-anak yang memiliki tingkat ekonomi yang rendah. Fikirku pengabdian masyarakat tidaklah harus sampai keluar kota ataupun luar jawa, paling tidak kita bisa mengabdikan diri kita bagi-orang terdekat kita. Dan sudah selayaknya kita mengabdikan diri kita bagi masyarakat-masyarakat di sekitar kita.
            Aku dan kakakku mulai merancang program yang akan kita laksanakan dalam sebulan. Yahh..kami merancangannya sedetail mungkin. Karena aku tahu bahwa pengabdian masyarakat adalah kegiatan yang tidak main-main. Aku mulai membuat beberapa silabus pembelajaran dan merancang aktivitas yang akan dilaksanakan di desa kami.
            Pada hari pertama pembukaan perpustakaan desa (grand opening) pada tanggal 7 Mei 2017, pada satu minggu sebelumnya kami meminjam beberapa buku-buku dari perpustakaan Ganesa yang berlokasi di Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah. Kami meminjam buku-buku tersebut, dikarenakan tentunya kami belum memiliki dana ataupun donatur yang mendukung program kami. Karena program kami masihlah lah baru dan baru perintisan di desa kami. Namun, aku percaya bahwa suatu hari mungkin akan ada bantuan ataupun donatur yang mau mendukung program kami.
            Meskipun kami meminjam buku-buku tersebut, namun ternyata semangat anak-anak di desa kami untuk belajar sangatlah tinggi. Banyak sekali anak-anak di desa kami yang datang dalam acara Grand Opening tersebut. Dan kami menamakan perpustaakan desa kami dengan nama “Find Public Library”. Yahh…setidaknya kami menamainya dengan arti sebagai “Perpustakaan Umum”
            Perpustakaan tersbut masihlah menggunakan rumah kami sebagai tempat untuk belajar maupun tempat untuk membaca buku. Rumah kami memang tidaklah mewah ataupun berlantai keramik, namun setidaknya ada tempat bagi anak-anak untuk belajar dan membaca buku. Dan untuk sementara kami masih menggunakan halaman depan rumah kami sebagai tempat untuk mengajar anak-anak di desa kami. Kami menggunakan tikar sebagai alasnya ketika program les gratis ataupun program baca sedang dilaksanakan. Dengan fasilitas seadanya pun mereka masih tetap bersemangat untuk menerima pelajaran dari kami. Pada halnya, semua anak selalu memiliki semangat yang tinggi untuk menuntut ilmu. Dan yang mereka butuhkan hanyalah fasilitas dan pembmbing yang tepat bagi mereka. Dan anak-anak yang tidak mampu juga berhak mendapatkan fasilitas seperti itu.
            Sebenarnya alasanku mendirikan program Les gratis dan perpustakaan di desaku adalah dikarenakan dulunya aku tidaklah bisa untuk ikut Les seperti teman-teman yang lainnya. Yahh…keluargaku memang bukan dari kalangan orang kaya, sehingga aku maklmum jika tidak bisa mengkuti les tersebut seperti teman-temanku yang lainnya. Lalu aku berfikir bahwa aku tidak boleh membiarkan anak-anak didesaku mengalami kejadian ini seperti diriku. Paling tidak mereka bisa mendapatkan fasilitas yang dulunya aku tidak bisa dapatkan. Dan dengan adanya perpustakaan desa, aku berharap bahwa mereka bisa mendapatkan buku-buku bacaan yang menyenangkan bagi mereka untuk mendapatkan ilmu yang mereka inginkan.

            Setelah Grand Opening pada tanggal 7 Mei 2017 telah usai, minggu berikutnya kami memulai untuk melaksanakan program Les Gratis. Yahh..kami menggunakan buku seadanya yang kami punyai, dikarenakan kami masih mencari donatur ataupun bantuan untuk memberikan buku sumbangan ataupun berupa uang untuk dibelikan buku pelajaran.
            Yahh kami bertekad untuk tetap konsisten dalam melaksanakan program-program tersebut. Serta kami yakin bahwa program-program kami pastilah akan memberikan manfaat yang banyak bagi anak-anak di desa kami maupun masyarakat sekitar.
            Di hari-hari berikutnya kami memulai mencari beberapa bantuan ataupun donatur yang mau menyumbangkan buku-buku mereka. Kami berjuang agar program kami tetap terlaksana dengan baik setiap harinya. Dan Alhamdulillah sampai bulan Agustus ini, program kami masih berjalan dengan baik. Bagi kami peran donatur sangatlah penting bagi kami, namun yang paling penting bagi kami adalah bagaimana kita tetap konsisten dengan program-program kami meskipun belum ada fasilitas yang memadai. Hidup adalah suatu perjuangan, dan kita mendapatkan apa yang telah kita perjuangkan.

“Apakah kita tidak merasa hina jika memiliki fisik yang sempurna tetapi tidak bisa memberikan kontribusi yang bermanfaat kepada sesama?”
(Muhammad Syah Fibrika Ramadhan, Spirit of Life 25 Inspirasi dan Motivasi Penggugah Jiwa, hlm 133)

“Ayo Semangat Mengabdi” J