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Kamis, 01 Maret 2018


Vocabulary is an important element in language. Mastering a large amount of vocabulary is very important for the students when they are studying English because it will make them understand and mastering English easily. Mc Whorter (1980: 311) says that vocabulary means the ability to recognize individual words and to associate the other word; vocabulary is the competence or skill in recognizing words and its meaning. According to Graves (1998: 323), there are two approaches in teaching vocabulary. They are indirect approaches and direct approaches.
There are many problem that faced by the students of the Junior High School in Kediri, Indonesia. Such as: the lack of the motivation, difficulty in understanding English, the method or technique and media which is not suitable. In this case, the teacher should be used an interesting technique and media which is suitable for them. One of the method and media in teaching English vocabulary is using Flashcards.
To solve this problem then the writer is conducted Classroom Action Research in this study. The subject of this study is the seventh grade students of one Junior High School in Kediri, Indonesia in academic year 2013/2014. The subjects are 38 students. This study used both qualitative and quantitative data.

From this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of Flashcards can improve not only the students’ vocabulary mastery but also the students; activeness in the class. This study prove some evidences that in the Cycle 2, the students’ activeness improved up to 80% while in the Cycle 1 is only 57%. Beside that, the students’ vocabulary mastery improved up to  84% while in previous Cycle 1 is only 17%.

Reference: Wahyuni, S., & Yulaida H. (2014). Flashcards as Means to Improve EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Mastery. JEELS, 1(1), 47-61.

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