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Sabtu, 10 Maret 2018


To develop students‟ language skill in reading, listening, speaking, and writing, the learners must master the vocabulary. The teacher gives the students list of words that the students should memorize it. In this case the students think that English is very difficult, not enjoyable and make them bored.
A flash card is part of a set of cards which are written items to be studied. They are “flashed” (shown quickly) one by one to a learner to elicit a quick response. It is expected that students‟ achievement in vocabulary will be improved if the students are taught by using flashcard as the media.
This research was conducted by applying Classroom Action Research. The researcher used written tests, diary notes and observation sheets as the instruments of data collection. The subject of the study was VII-4 student of SMA Prayatna Medan, which consisted of 30 students.
The result of research indicated that there was an improvement of students‟ scores in vocabulary which was taught by using flashcard. It was proved by the data, which showed that the mean of the students in Test III (83) was higher than in Test II (64) and also in Test I (40.33).
The diary notes indicated that the situation of teaching and learning process was better from the first to the last meeting. The students were interested, enthusiastic, and active when teaching learning process was running. They paid full attention and did the assignments seriously.

Marpaung, A. Improving Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary by Using Flashcard.

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